Jumat, 25 November 2016

Information Debate


Lardo     : Hi what are you doing?

Nurhadi : I’m Searching information up to date. What’s usually website your use to find                               information.?

Lardo     : I usuall use website kompas.com, detik.com dan tribunnews to find an information.

Inggi       : If I usuall okezone.com, kompas.com and tempo.com

Nurhadi : Between the all website that your mention which are best?

Inggi       : According to me the best is kompas,com.

Lardo     : If I is tribunnews.com, what’s you self?
            Nurhadi : If I is okezone.com.if you use website such to get information about task, there are  rule that given by your teacher?
            Inggi       : Yes, are. If get the information for task, we must add website where we get it information talked about.
            Nurhadi  : Same if such. What do you think difference between online information and information libraries or encyclopedia?
            Lardo     : I think the difference is when we searching for information online it is easier just stay enter keywords we wish to find, we do not to be there come here looking for a book.
            Inggi       : That’s right, we not troubled again to searching books, and also if we searching in libraries or encyclopedia usuall the book is not enough of one.

Nurhadi : Right, so from that I lazy to searching in the book, so that is I still use internet

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